Visto: 5196


Aum Mani Padme Hum !



“There is nothing mightier, more useful, more beautiful nor so necessary as Truth.-“



Commitees, Countries, Patronizers

(Amplification of our Message of May 1931, in Batavia, Java)

Proposed, Convocated and Organized by the:
“Universal Union for the Diffusion of Budhic Philosophy”

“Oh, Light of Asia, lighten our dark West
With Wisdom garnered from thy Holy Quest,
Show us the Path which leads to Sorrow´s Cure.
The Sorrow that all living things endure,
Thy gentle Teachings in our minds instill,
That none can prosper who treat others ill.
But he who can cherishes goodwill to all
Earth´s living creatures, whether great or small,
Through their content his sufferings shall cease,
And he shall walk the Path of the perfect Peace”

G. Lyster.


By the Venerable Anagarika Lhasshekankrakrya

First Edition .- Copyright, June 1933
Publication Number 4
Address: 2 Rue Charles Bonnet.- Geneva.- Switzerland.
Or Das Budhhistishe Haus.- Frohnau-Berlin. Germany



Namo Tassa Bhagavato   Sama Sam Buddhassa


The meetings of the Conference will be public and free, unless subsequent events oblige the Organizing Committee to change this plan.

The speeches and lectures will be radio-diffused and later published if the necessary funds are forthcoming.

A Special Session or Section is now being prepared entirely in Esperanto under the leadership of competent Budhist thinkers (Please keep in mind that to be a Budhist does not hamper in any way with the remaining utmostly true to the Teachings of Christ, Mahomet, Tirtamkara, Lao Tseu, Confucius or any other Teacher of truly BUDHIC attainment).

Buddhist publications are invited to bring out special editions for the occasion.


Institutions that have adhered to the Budhic Congress (List not complete):

v  International Budhist Centre (Burma)

v  The Budha Friendship (Thibet)

v  Das Buddhistische Haus (Germany)

v  Societé Nouvelle d´Application Philosophique (France)

v  The Budha Society (India)

v  International Bureau for undogmatic religion (Germany)

v  Association Libre Pensée (Belgium)

v  The New History Society (U.S.A)

v  Java Buddhist Association (Java)

v  Young Men´s Buddhist Association (Ceylon)

v  Buddhist Association (New Zeeland)

v  The Esoteric Lodge (China)

v  The American Bodhasala (U.S.A.)

v  International Scientific Association (U.S.A.)

v  Associcio d´Idealistes Pràctise (España)

v  Bureau International Bahai (Switzerland)

v  Budhist Holzhaus Community (Germany)

v  Societé Alchimique de France

v  Les Compagnons de la Pensée (France)

v  Le Trait-d´Union (France)

Advisory Committee (Not definitive)

Organizing Committee (Not definitive)

Patronizers (Not complete)

The Universal Union (of Leaders and Philosophers) for the Diffusion of Budhic Philosophy.

Represented in the Membership of the FIRST EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN BUDHIC CONGRESS

All the countries.

Faiths: Theosophy.- Bahaism.- Roman Catholic Christians.- Sufism.- Judaism.- occultism-. New Thought.- Ramakrishna Mission.- protestant Christians.- Moslems. Rationalist Systems: Freethinkers. Association; Buddhism; Scientific Societies; Masonic Lodges; Mythic Societies; Compared Religion Ass.; Anthroposophy; Neosophy; Cosmosophy; Astrosophy.

The list of persons adhering or giving the Budhic Congress their hearty endorsement will be given in our Definitive Program a month before the event.


It has been decided that a Preliminary Meeting will be held in advance of the event at Geneva after Christmas this year. One has already been held in Geneva on the 3rd of june last. In Berlin there will be one in the month of October. In Brussels there will be one in the month of November in order to take up final decisions. Those attending these Preliminary Meetings are by all means Members of the Budhic Congress.


A grand Session of Buddhist Leaders and Delegates of Buddhist Institutions shall be held at the occasion of the Budhic Congress so to deal on matters concerning purely the Diffusion of Budhic Ideals and Thought.